

以下顯示從第 51 筆至第 100 筆中的 50 筆結果:

檢視( | )(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. Hidden →‎ Hide
  2. Highlighting →‎ Highlight
  3. IC →‎ Integrated circuit
  4. IPC →‎ Inter-process communication
  5. Implementation →‎ Implement
  6. Inheritance →‎ Inherit
  7. Interaction →‎ Interact
  8. Introducing →‎ Introduce
  9. IoT →‎ Internet of Things
  10. Iteration →‎ Iterate
  11. LAN →‎ Local area network
  12. Lab →‎ Laboratory
  13. Line break →‎ Newline
  14. Line feed →‎ Newline
  15. Listening →‎ Listen
  16. MAN →‎ Metropolitan area network
  17. Mainboard →‎ Motherboard
  18. Mapping →‎ Map
  19. Memory fence →‎ Memory barrier
  20. Menu option →‎ Menu item
  21. Migration →‎ Migrate
  22. Mod →‎ Modification
  23. NASA →‎ National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  24. Nanometre →‎ Nanometer
  25. Navigation →‎ Navigate
  26. Nested →‎ Nest
  27. Nesting →‎ Nest
  28. Networking →‎ Network
  29. Nm →‎ Nanometer
  30. Notebook →‎ Laptop
  31. Notebook computer →‎ Laptop
  32. OCR →‎ Optical Character Recognition
  33. OS →‎ Operating system
  34. On-line →‎ Online
  35. Operation →‎ Operate
  36. Optical drive →‎ Optical disc drive
  37. Optimization →‎ Optimize
  38. PCB →‎ Printed circuit board
  39. PCI →‎ Peripheral Component Interconnect
  40. Parentheses →‎ Parenthesis
  41. Pipe →‎ Pipeline
  42. Plug-in →‎ Plugin
  43. PnP →‎ Plug and play
  44. Porting →‎ Port
  45. Preemptive →‎ Preempt
  46. Profiling →‎ Profile
  47. Pseudo code →‎ Pseudocode
  48. RAM drive →‎ RAM disk
  49. RWD →‎ Responsive web design
  50. Read only →‎ Read-only

檢視( | )(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500