- 2D barcode
- Abandonware
- Abstraction
- Accented
- Access
- Access point
- Account
- Action item
- Activate
- Active
- Active/active
- Actual parameter
- Adapter
- Add
- Add-on
- Address
- Address book
- Address space
- Addressing
- Adjacency list
- Advanced
- Advanced encryption standard
- Aggregate
- Algorithm
- Alternative
- Angle bracket
- Annotation
- Answer
- Antivirus software
- Append
- Applet
- Application
- Application Programming Interface
- Application binary interface
- Apply
- Architect
- Architecture
- Archive
- Archive file
- Argument
- Array
- Article
- Artificial intelligence
- Ascending
- Aspect-oriented
- Assemble
- Assembler
- Assembly language
- Associate
- Astronaut
- Asynchronous
- Atomic
- Attack surface
- Attack vector
- Attribute
- Audio
- Audit
- Authenticate
- Autoincrement
- Back-end
- Back stack
- Background
- Backslash
- Backspace
- Backtrack
- Backward compatibility
- Bandwidth
- Bare metal
- Base address
- Base class
- Base on
- Base station
- Base type
- Batch
- Batch file
- Beacon
- Binary
- Bind
- Bit
- Bit field
- Bit mask
- Bit width
- Bitmap
- Bitmask
- Bitwise
- Bloatware
- Block
- Block cipher
- Block device
- Blog
- Blueprint
- Boilerplate
- Boolean
- Boot
- Boot loader
- Brainstorm
- Breakpoint
- Broadband
- Buffer
- Bug
- Build
- Built-in
- Burn
- Bus
- Byte
- Cache
- Call
- Callback
- Camera
- Canvas
- Capture
- Carriage return
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Case sensitivity
- Cell
- Certificate
- Chain
- Challenge
- Channel
- Character
- Charset
- Chart
- Chat
- Check-in
- Checkbox
- Checklist
- Checksum
- Chief operating officer
- Chief technology officer
- Chip
- Chip select
- Circular buffer
- Class
- Class cluster
- Class file
- Click
- Clickstream
- Client
- Client-side
- Clipboard
- Clock
- Clone
- Close
- Close the loop
- Closed-circuit television
- Closure
- Cloud
- Cloud computing
- Cloud storage
- Cluster
- Coarse-grained
- Code
- Coding
- Cohort
- Coil whine
- Collection
- Column
- Column header
- Combine
- Command
- Command line
- Command prompt
- Comment
- Communicate
- Community
- Compatibility
- Compatible
- Compiler
- Completion variable
- Component
- Composite
- Compressed file
- Compute
- Computer
- Concurrency
- Configuration file
- Configuration option
- Configure
- Connect
- Connector
- Console
- Constant
- Construct
- Constructor
- Consume
- Consumer
- Contact
- Context
- Contract
- Control
- Control Panel
- Control tower
- Controlled variable
- Controller
- Coordinate
- Copy
- Copy-on-write
- Copy editor
- Core
- Cosine
- Coupling
- Crash
- Create
- Credential
- Critical number
- Curly bracket
- Current
- Cursor
- Custom
- Customize
- Cut
- Cyclomatic complexity
- Cylinder
- Daemon
- Dangling
- Data
- Data warehouse
- Database
- Datagram
- Deactivate
- Deadlock
- Debug
- Declare
- Decode
- Decompiler
- Decorator
- Decoupling
- Deduplication
- Default
- Delay
- Delete
- Delta
- Demonstrate
- Denial of service
- Depend
- Dependency
- Deploy
- Dereference
- Derive
- Descending
- Descriptor
- Deserialize
- Desktop computer
- Destruct
- Destructor
- Detach
- Detect
- Device
- Dialog box
- Digital
- Digital signature
- Dimension table
- Directive
- Directory
- Directory tree
- Disable
- Disassembler
- Disconnect
- Disk
- Disk drive
- Disk sector
- Distributed
- Dither
- Document
- Dollar sign
- Domain
- Domain name
- Dot matrix printer
- Double-click
- Download
- Drag
- Drag and drop
- Draw
- Drilling
- Drive
- Driver
- Drop-down list
- Dual-socket
- Dump
- Dynamic-link library
- E-commerce
- Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
- Element
- Email address
- Enable
- Encode
- End-to-end
- End user
- Endpoint
- Enrollee
- Enter
- Entry
- Enumerate
- Erasable Programmable Read-Only-Memory
- Erase
- Erasure
- Error-correcting code
- Error code
- Escape
- Ethernet
- Evaluate
- Example
- Exclamation mark
- Exclusive or
- Executable file
- Execute in place
- Execution flow
- Exit
- Expansion pack
- Explicitly
- Exploit
- Explorer
- Exponentiation
- Export
- Expose
- Expression
- Extend
- Extensible Authentication Protocol
- Extension
- Extension language
- External storage
- Extract
- Extreme programming
- Fail-safe
- Failover
- Fatal error
- Feature
- Feedback
- Fetch
- Fiber
- Fiber optic modem
- Field
- File
- File descriptor
- Filename
- Filename extension
- Filesystem
- Find
- Fine-grained
- Fine-tune
- Firmware
- Fix
- Flag
- Flag bit